May 10, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Book Jerks

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we list our "Top Ten" on a variety of book related topics. This week's list is the Top Ten Jerks in Books or the ones we thought were jerks who ended up not being so bad after all.
My List:

  1. Stephen Clayworth from Clarity by Kim Harrington. He starts off as a jerk and then there are a few moments where you think he might redeem himself. Maybe he's just misunderstood?.... jerk. 
  2.  Wesley from The Duff by Jody Keplinger. He's a womanizer- thinks he's God's gift to women (I hate guys like that) He's the reason I stopped reading the book, though I'm told I should give it another try. Does he redeem himself?
  3. Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. We loved to hate him, though I think deep down underneath there was a good guy just waiting to come out.
  4. Linay from Plain Kate by Erin Bow. He appears when Kate has lost almost everything only to convince the village she's a witch. I spent most of the book furious with him, but in the end we see his motives were tainted by terrible grief.....maybe I can forgive him. (but not yet)
  5. President Snow from The Hunger Games Trilogy. Nothing redeeming here.
  6. Kyle Kingsbury from Beastly by Alex Flinn. This guy is so jerky, he needs to be turned into something hideous to be taught a lesson.
  7. Will from Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. He charming, then he isn't. Maybe he likes you, then he doesn't. These types of guys are the worst. They play on your emotions-drive you crazy- but we just can't help liking them anyways.
 Only 7 off the top of my head. . .who did I miss? 


  1. You have to finish reading The Duff! You'll find out if he redeems himself or not! I completely agree with you on Draco!

  2. Um you know my feelings on #2 -- FINISH THE BOOK & TAKE HIM OFF THIS LIST WOMAN!! :P haha Seriously though I do adore this book & Wesley stole a piece of my heart (for personal reasons).

  3. Wesley and Draco made my list too. Great choices!

  4. Also I agree that you should finish DUFF. Even though Wesley is a jerk I ended up liking him by the end.

  5. Ooh Linay - good choice!!

    I'm also not a fan of The DUFF. Wes? I don't know. I have to admit he was a bit swoony, but mostly in a cringworthy way, I thought. I didn't think it was realistic that he would change so quickly and, to me, his actions and words make him unredeemable, at least within the time period of the book.

  6. I agree with Malfoy. He's such a snobby jerk, but I can't bring myself to hate him cause I really don't think he wanted to go down the path he did.

  7. I agree with you on Draco. I think he just had the misfortune of crappy parents. Boy was just raised wrong.

    Great list

    Rachel-Endless Reading
