September 20, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday- Books I Feel Everyone has Read but Me

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week we post our top ten lists on a variety of bookish topics. I love the topic this week!
My List:

1. Beautiful Creatures  by Kami Garcia- I have had this in my to-read pile 4-ever!!! Just haven't had a chance to pick it up.

2. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. This isn't even out yet, but I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't had a chance to read it.

3. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson. This is out today, I'll def. be picking up a copy, the reviews have been wonderful!

4. Looking For Alaska by John Green. I know, I know, How could I have not read this? I own it, I love John Green...what's my problem?

5. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. Again I have this book buying obsession, I own 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and people have raved- I just haven't made the time.If only there was a way I could take 3 months off work and spend it catching up on my TBR pile.

6.Where She Went by Gayle Forman. Followers of this blog, know my love for If I Stay. I bought Where She Went the day it released, just can't bring myself to read it.......I guess because I loved If I Stay soooooo much.

7.House of Night Series by PC Cast / Kristin Cast. I just have not been interested, but I know many who love this series.

8.Gone by Michael Grant. I have a dear friend who just loves....LOVES this series. Every time we meet for coffee, she asks if I'd read it yet and every time I say "not yet" I feel terribly, horribly guilty.

9. Nearly everything Oprah selected for the book club on her show. I worked in a book store, when Oprahs' Book Club was going strong. The day that she announced her book club choice...the phones rang off the hook.  I remember people would ask ....have you read_____________________? and I'd reply "no" and they would say " was on Oprah!!"

10. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I love Sense and Sensibility. I have 5 different editions, but I've never read or even watched P & P.

Are there any on the list above I just have to read?


  1. There are a lot here I haven't read either, if that makes you feel any better! :P Although, I LOVED Where She Went!! :) (Also Lola. I loved Lola)

  2. House of Night - if you're not interested I would say give it a pass. It just drags on and on in a very annoying way.
    However, Where She Went, 13 Little Blue Envelopes and The Girl of Fire and Thorns were all really great and I highly recommend them.
    Oh, and don't worry; I haven't read Lola either OR Anna and the French Kiss!
    Happy reading!

  3. You are not alone, I haven't read 'Lola' yet either. I am practically dying for it, I swear. ;)

    Ahh 'Where She Went' ... it's bittersweet and amazing. Gah, love Adam.

    I read the first 'Gone' book when it came out and I enjoyed it, but it feels like it's a really slow series. The books are long and they seem to take a long time to come out (at least to me), and I'm not sure if it's worth going through.

  4. I used to like the HON series but it started going really downhill for me to the point where all I did was rant about it. You're now missing out on anything by not reading them.

    I can't wait for Lola and the Boy Next Door!!

  5. I just recently read Pride and Prejudice...I'm not a huge fan, lol. I am happy I read it though, people can stop bothering me about it!

  6. Trust me, don't feel bad about not having read The House of Night series, the Gone series, or Beautiful Creatures... I wish I hadn't read them!

    The House of Night is sooooo cliched and so far off from the original storyline, whereas Gone is really creepy! Talking monsters and flying snakes and whatnot- I have seriously not been so freaked out by a book since I read the first Harry Potter in grade 4 and the hooded figure was kneeling over top of the unicorn drinking its blood. And Beautiful Creatures? Ugh... I don't even want to touch that one- all around I just thought that it was terrible.

    But I am with you with Lola- I wish that I had an ARC of it!

    Oh, and P&P... One of my most favourite movies ever (the one with Kiera). I read the books but it was such a bore, just like watching the movie all over again (like with The Da Vinci Code... The movie and the books are almost identical).
