Today I welcome Gillian who I had the pleasure of meeting this year, we became fast friends.
Dear Teen Me,
You are lovely, did you know? You are funny, light, happy, joy-filled and free. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than because you are different than them. Don’t try to be like someone else, be like YOU! Because you are amazing.
Work hard at being honest, in every situation. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Ask out the boy you like. Ask other girls to spend time with you. Trust that your friends WANT you around. Don’t assume you aren’t good enough…because you are and they think so too!
Don’t feel like you have to show off what you know all the time. Choose silence more often. Let others figure you out for themselves. Let them judge you by your smiles, you support, your loving actions. If they don’t see the good, let them walk on by…those who do value you are just waiting in line to get close to you.
Know that every single person you meet feels just as awkward, scared and unsure as you. Be loving and patient with their attempts to mask it. Those who growl the loudest are often the most scared. Reach out, let them know you see their real selves. Encourage them to be brave too.
It seems impossible now, but try to enjoy the freedom and security you have living at home, surrounded by amazing support and love. This foundation will carry you through life, but not in the same way it does now. Give Dad a hug for me, and make sure it lasts a long time…cause he won’t be here forever. Tell him how proud you are of him, what a wonderful father he is.
Start saving money, and avoid credit cards for as long as possible!! But spend more money on better quality things, just do with less. That is better. That is where the value is.
Most of all, try something new each day. Don’t be afraid to look foolish or to fail. There are worse things and the reward for your risk is SO great! There is a world of new experience waiting for you, jump in with both feet and eyes open. The only scary thing is staying the same…we need to grow, develop, transform.
Be loving. Every day look for ways to be more loving. And the world will fall in love with you. It is really very simple.
Loving you, every day,
( Gillian I love this letter so much)
Gillian is a Marketing Strategy and Communications Specialist. She is one of the most positive people I know, so lucky to have her as a friend.
Her website:
Rees Communications
About this feature:
Dear Teen Me (Edited by E. Kristen Anderson & Miranda Kenneally) includes advice from over 70 authors and I’m thrilled to be part of the blog tour. My tour stop date is Tuesday October 30th, and on that date I’ll be posting a review, hosting a giveaway and sharing my own Dear Teen Me letter. In the meantime, I was inspired by the book and decided to invite friends, fellow bloggers, and authors to write their own letter. Through out the month of October I’ll be be posting them here. I still have space for anyone else who would like to participate-just contact me through email or by leaving a comment on this post.
What a wonderful letter. I could definitely relate to everything being said. Especially the part about everyone feeling awkward/unsure etc. Wish I had realized that when I was younger