October 12, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This weeks list:

10 Books I'll Never Read

Anything written by Nicholas Sparks

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- I tried. I only got 100 pages in and just couldn't go any further. I know lots of people have loved it-just not for me.

Anything by Danielle Steele or published by Harlequin-I'm not a fan of the romance genre in general.

Most books recommended by Oprah. I've read a couple on Oprah's list and they seemed to be all about the same thing.-

Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. again-I know she's a favourite of many -it's just not my type of read.

Anything by Stephen King-I read one once and had nightmares-never again

Anything by Dean Kootz-see above


  1. Absolutely agree with you on Stephen King. Should have put him (and all horror) on my list too.

    Here's mine: http://myreadersblock.blogspot.com/2010/10/top-ten-tuesday-books-ill-never-read.html

  2. I can't read horror fiction either.

    I went with political selections I'd avoid.


  3. I've only read one Stephen King novel (The Stand) and I've ever been tempted to read anything else by him. I had Nicholas Sparks on my list and I'll agree with Danielle Steele and anything recommended by Oprah.

  4. I'm steering away from Stephen King as well. I just don't see the point in scaring myself to death when I have a choice. I'm not very interested in the Millennium Trilogy either.
